5 Point Major Reserve at the Great Dane Club of Des Moines Specialty in
Judge Jane Treiber - September, 2010
Candid from GDCDM show
First Major! 4 Points - Best of Winners St Croix Valley Kennel Club in
Judge Charles Olvis - August, 2010
Candid from MN show ~ Photo by Mary Ann Land
Marshalltown, Iowa May 2010
Second Point
Winners Bitch/Best of Winners at the Nebraska KC show July 12, 2009 15 months old
First Point Winners Bitch/Best of Breed - Marshalltown, IA April 2009 1 year old
Kizzy débuted at the Great Dane Club of America's
National Specialty October 2008
Kizzy - 1st place 6-9 Mantle Puppy Bitch class, handled by Jessie