Some updated images from this fall

Great Dane Breeder; Bing the Great Dane
Some updated images from this fall
Our “Spiderman” litter (Koda x Heidi) turned 4 weeks old this past Saturday. They have graduated from the whelping box to their new digs. They are eating more & more what I’m offering (vs nursing), exploring their new area, playing, and chewing.
We welcomed nine puppies on 6/26/21! We have seven mantles (3 boys/4 girls) and two mantle merles (both girls). At this time, I believe all puppies already have homes, but I am always happy to chat with folks, either on the slim chance a puppy becomes available, or to assist with other breeder referrals. Email is my preferred contact method and please include some information about yourself.
Nash, our Golden, saved another dog’s life!
There was a lost dog in our area and Nash found her yesterday, trapped in a large hole in a field next to our property. She had been missing for three days.
Late Sunday afternoon, I was on a walk on our acreage with Bing and Nash, when Nash indicated something just off our property, in the adjoining field. I asked him to “show me” and he took me over to the area. As I got closer, I heard barking, but could not find the dog at first. In the long grass, this giant hole was completely hidden from view. She had tried and tried to get out, as indicated by the claw marks at the top of the hole, but she couldn’t pull herself out. The owners had searched on/near our property and had actually driven their 4-wheeler within 6′ of the hole, without knowing she was there!
She was super scared, so I opted to wait for her owners to get her out. They live semi-near us, so I called, and they rushed right over. The gentleman was able to pull her out easily. It was a very happy reunion, with some tears.
Very thankful for the good outcome! Good boy, Nash!
Had great fun with the dogs a few weekends ago doing Fast CAT (Coursing Ability Test) and Barn Hunt with Nash. FCAT is a timed 100 yard straight run, where the dogs chase a “bunny” (plastic bag, tied to a line that zips along the ground). The dogs absolutely love it and it’s thrilling to watch them run so fast.
Bing’s times were in the 24 MPH range, so not his best effort, but still good times. Nash was in the 23 MPH range.