Some pictures from KDR Photography (event photographer) got of Bing running FastCAT at the Clinton County Kennel Club event in Nov, 2020.

Great Dane Breeder; Bing the Great Dane
Some pictures from KDR Photography (event photographer) got of Bing running FastCAT at the Clinton County Kennel Club event in Nov, 2020.
I adore this dog. He is so biddable. We were near Maquoketa Caves State Park for a dog show this past weekend, so Bing and I tromped out to the park each day for some exercise, exploration, and, of course, photos. It might have rained on us, but it didn’t dampen our fun!
Pending AKC confirmation, Bing earned his first Fast CAT (Coursing Ability Test) title this past weekend in Lincoln, NE. His new personal best is 7.59 seconds (26.95 MPH).
Bing and Nash have both previously earned their “CA” (Coursing Ability) title by running CAT (Coursing Ability Test), but they both recently ran Fast CATs and had a blast!
There are actually several differences between CAT and FCAT. The CAT is 600 yards with turns; FCAT is 100 yards, strait. In CAT, timing isn’t critical, as long as your dog finishes the course in under a set time. In FCAT, it’s all about the time! Once your dog has run three qualified runs, the average of their three fastest times will be calculated and used to determine their ranking within their breed. Very fun and thrilling event!
To learn more about about AKC CAT, visit and for FCAT, visit These events are open to all breeds, even mixed breeds.