What we fed today

Haven’t had any diet posts lately, so figured I would do a “what we fed today” post.

Tonight’s meal:

Canned Jack Mackerel, Tripett, egg (shell included), ground beef, yogurt and Vitamin C.

raw diet for dogs

raw meal for dogs
Each dog got one can of fish, 1/2 can of tripe, couple of heaping tablespoons of yogurt, about 1/2 lb beef, 1 egg and 2000 mg Vit C.

The dogs approve of my stellar culinary skills….

dog eating raw meal

dog eating raw meal

Tomorrow morning’s meal:

raw meal for dogsd
Chicken leg quarters

I wait to pull out the next meal until I’m cleaning up the current meal, which doesn’t usually allow the meat enough thaw time.  I often end up letting the meat sit in some warm water to speed up the thawing process.

raw meal for dogs
Chicken leg quarters thawing in warm water