Pet Expo & Play Time Pics

We had great fun representing the Central Iowa Kennel Club at the Great Iowa Pet Expo!

responsible breeder great dane

well bred great danesThe Des Moines Register took some photographs and of the 13 they published, 2 of them were of Heidi and Gigi!

Screen grab of the Des Moines Register image. Heidi on her back, soaking up the attention!
Screen grab of Des Moines Register image. Gigi getting a pat on the head.

Some recent pictures of play time at our place..

The teeth! This pic cracks me up! All three dogs (Gigi is behind Heidi, who is in the middle). Kizzy’s lips flapping in the wind.
Love Gigi’s play bow. Sometimes they look and sound so ferocious while playing.
Kizzy has always played by going after the back legs of the other dog. And she passed this “trick” onto her offspring as well.
Hot pursuit!

Long hikes, play time and pictures

Deliquent on updating pictures here, but have enjoyed lots of activities lately with the dogs.

Long hikes:

Hiking with Danes
Gigi and Heidi
Heidi and Gigi

Play time with all three girls and our best Cocker Spaniel buddy, Walter:

Gigi and Walter

Before the water fun, we explored Ledges State Park:

L-R: Kizzy, Heidi, Gigi

Photo session fun:

Great Dane generations
Kizzy at 8 1/2 years old; Heidi (standing) and Gigi at 2 years old

Immediately following that picture:

The chase is on!
Kizzy still has it!

Lazy Dogs

When I work from home I get to see how my pets (note cat on the couch) spend their days.  They have it rough!

Lazy Danes
Lazy Danes

Des Moines Dog Show

Always enjoy our Dane club’s shows.  We had a great turn out this year.  Gigi picked up a reserve win one day of the show, but no points.

Some pictures from the weekend:

Senior Great Dane
Kizzy at 8 1/2 years old in the Parade of Veterans – she still looks great!
Neil with Gigi
Neil with Gigi
Gigi (on left) and Heidi – sisters from our Kizzy x Fender litter
My sons with Gigi and Heidi

Raw Diet: Using Ground Bone

When feeding raw, bone is a critical component.  Finding the right balance of bone is easy – just watch the dog’s stool.  Too little bone, the stools will be loose.  Too much bone and the stools will become hard and dry.  Any raw feeder knows the importance of watching the dog’s stools!

Because I prefer to feed ground foods lately, I have started using ground bone.  I’ve tried various options, but have found simply buying bone meal powder online works well.  I add about a teaspoon full per pound of raw meat.  From there, again, just watch to see what the dog needs.  (Organ meat will also affect stools as it is richer than muscle meat.)

raw meal with ground bone

Simple Way to Support Great Danes

The Great Dane Club of America Charitable Trust supports Great Dane welfare and rescue efforts, educational programs, Scholarship Programs for junior handlers, initiatives to create great awareness of breed-specific health problems and medical research efforts to improve the quality of life of the Great Dane.

An easy way to support the Charitable Trust is when shopping on Amazon, simply access the normal Amazon website via this link:  The Smile program contributes 0.5% of sales through that link to the registered charitable organization.  It’s as easy as that!  Once you log on through that link, you can shop like normal, knowing that you are making a contribution for our breed at the same time!

Gigi earns her CGC!

Gigi passed her CGC (Canine Good Citizen) test this week!  We have thoroughly enjoyed our CGC class these past 6 weeks.  My oldest son, Wade, took my mom’s Lab, Isla, through training and they also passed their test.  Proud mom!

CGC test
Wade with Isla, me with Gigi, and CGC elevator Gayle Curtis.