Grassy Fields

Beautiful, albeit muddy, evening today, after several days of rain.  The girls and I enjoyed a walk in the fields and woods behind the house.

Mantle Great Dane
Gigi at 22 months old
senior Great Dane
Kizzy at 8 years old

Pensive Gigi

Gigi contemplating the world…
Foto Danes

Foto Danes
The girls ~ April 2, 2016
Kizzy says “pfsss” to a photo shoot

First Day of Spring Walk

I enjoyed a long walk on the first day of spring with the girls.  Love these days we can take our nice long walks!

Stopped at the park and snapped a quick picture of the girls.  Long walks with my pups is bliss for me. 🙂

Great Danes and Lab
Kizzy, Gigi and Isla (my mom’s Lab)

As someone who regularly walks multiple dogs, I can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see loose dogs.  I usually modify my route, to avoid, if I see a loose dog up ahead.  It is not cool to have a dog rush me when I’m walking 300+ lbs of dog.  I’ve been pretty lucky so far and typically can yell at the approaching dog with a stern, “NO! GO HOME!” and they seem to listen. <knock on wood>  My dogs seem confident that I’ll deal with the situation and don’t get too riled up.

Gigi in stealth mode

The other night when we got to obedience class, Gigi had to drop down to super sneaky stealth mode in order to stalk her bestie (Isla, the Lab).  I bet Isla never even saw her.

She cracks me up!

Great Dane sneak attack

Dogs being dogs

Like any dog, mine love racing around, just to enjoy being alive. Makes me happy to see them happy!

Great Danes running
Gigi in the lead with Kizzy hot on her heels
Great Danes running
Gigi as the chaser
Senior Great Dane running
Kizzy in the lead… not too bad for Dane who will be eight years old in a month!
Great Dane running
Sneaky Great Dane
Gigi in ultra-stealth mode, doing a super sneaky attack on Kizzy
Mantle Great Dane
Kizzy…watching Gigi’s “sneak attack”

head profile Great Dane

Two Great Danes sitting

Great Dane Meet Up Group

The Great Dane Club of Des Moines has formed a “Great Dane Meet Up Group“.  We had our first event yesterday – a walk around Gray’s Lake in Des Moines.  We had eleven Danes show up!  Not bad for our first event.  It was a fun time, getting to meet other Dane owners and causing quite the scene as we paraded around the park.  The beautiful weather drew lots of people outside! Kizzy and Gigi both had a great time.

Great Dane Meet Up Group attendees
Great Dane Meet Up Group attendees

Misc Pictures

Getting caught up on posting some pictures…

Gigi with her new buddy, Walter (a 3 month old Cocker Spaniel), at a fun match last weekend.
Cleaning up after my all-breed kennel club’s dog show, we turned club member dogs loose to run and play in the empty building. FUN!

Jan Snow Fun

A little late in posting these, but Oden stayed with us while his owner was out of town and we had lots of fun playing in the snow.  The dogs really love it when we go sledding – chasing the kids up and down the hill!  We also had my mom’s Lab come over to join the party – lots of dogs and kids to play.  Lots of fun!  See a gallery of pictures

Kizzy chasing Oden
Gigi racing Isla down the hill