Good show weekend!

Had a great weekend at the AKC Council Bluff’s all-breed dog show last weekend. Bing went Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Owner Handler Best of Breed, and then an Owner Handler Group 3 on Saturday. Bosley made his show ring debut in the 4-6 Month Beginner Puppy, earning a Puppy Group 2 on Saturday. On Sunday, Nash earned his first point going Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Owner Handler Best of Breed, and then an Owner Handler Group 1!

Nash showing off his Owner Handler Group 1 rosette.
Cell-phone shot of Bing in the ring

Curious about what those accomplishments mean? Check out The Road to Best In Show, published on the AKC website for an explanation of Winners Dog and Best of Winners. The 4-6 Month Puppy competition is a non-point event (dogs do not earn points towards their AKC championship until they are 6 months old). Owner Handler means exactly that – the person handling the dog is not a professional handler. For more information, check out National Owner Handler Series.

Puppy Updates & Pics

The puppies from our 2019 have all settled into their new homes and are doing great. Am excited that three of the four will be shown.

Farrah – Flighty Foto Tered-DBM – owned by Bev Klingensmith, Bree Buswell, Christy Watson and Dr. Neil O’Sullivan. Farrah lives nearby with Christy and Bree.
Bosley – Flighty Foto Tered-DBM Cruising Angels – owned by Denise Carroll, Bev Klingensmith, Riley Carroll and Dr. Neil O’Sullivan. Bosley lives with Denise and Riley.
Riot – Flighty Foto TeredDBM The Witty Angel – owned by Emily Handschumaker, Bev Klingensmith, and Dr. Neil O’Sullivan. Riot lives in NY with Emily.
Kimber – FlightyFoto TeredDBM Good Mornin Angel – Owned by Zac & Cassie Cleveland

New titles!

Bing and Nash both picked up their CA (Coursing Ability) titles in September. If you have never been to a lure coursing event, I highly recommend checking one out! It was great fun…the people were fantastic, the dogs loved the run, and it was beyond awesome to see the dogs give it their all.

Some pictures from that weekend:

Puppies 8 week evaluation

Farrah will live with a family near us and be shown and co-owned by us.
This girl is headed to a fantastic show home in NY
Bosley is going to live with a good friend nearby and will be co-owned by us. Look for him in the show ring!
Kimber went to a fantastic pet home near me and I will hopefully get to see her often!